NW By NW GALLERY welcomes Angelita Surmon, an accomplished painter and glass artist.

Angelita captures the color, rhythm, and movement alive in nature. Her series “Refuge” reflects the imagery of the seasons.
Angelita’s visionary paintings explore abstraction and representation using acrylic paints with dynamic assuredness and knowing brushstrokes.
Angelita’s work is part of the permanent collections of both the Portland Art Museum and Yale.
“I like to dance on the line between representation and abstraction, and the natural world is my best teacher. Walking in the natural world, observing seasonal changes expands my relationship with a place, as well as my vocabulary of color, line, light and form.
I enjoy close scrutiny of nature’s random calligraphy in tangled nests of branches and thickets; the inner workings and structure of the landscape. Instead of finding calm by the ocean or in the desert, I feel most at home when encircled by tangled undergrowth, and the flickering light of tall trees. It provides the opportunity to meditate on branches and grasses making beautiful line work, and I discover unexpected relationships of color and light.” -Angelita Surmon

“My paintings of the Northwest landscape are informed by my observations of the quality of light found in wild areas of forest lands and reflections on water. The work takes one of two directions. Either it evokes tranquility and patterns found in the vegetation, or it shows the commotion and turbulence I see in jumbled branches and grasses. I’m attracted to both ends of the spectrum, and being reluctant to choose one or the other, follow both paths.”